About Me

Minneapolis, Minnesota
I'm 33 years old, a wife of 12 years and mother to a wonderful 4 year old boy. My hobby is coupon clipping, saving money and getting great deals! Join me on my adventure.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Holy Schmolly! CVS Rocks

I had the best CVS trip ever tonight!!!!

I went to a new CVS and totally hit the jackpot! Too bad it's 30 minutes away from me...

Spent 92¢ (87¢ of which was tax!) - so 5¢ for all of this!!! I didn't even have to use ECBs! The batteries were on clearance for $1.45 but the cashier used the $2 coupon, posted on each and every package, for the full value, giving me $4.95 overage that I applied to the clearanced night pants (for my nephew, who still wets the bed), I had a CVS coupon and the manufacture coupon for the Alavert (for my hubby) and the Mascara (34¢ each) and Elmo doll (69¢ for my son) were on 90% clearance. I'm on a total hight right now!!!

Total Saved on this transaction - $168.02. Plus I earned $3.00 ECBs on the Alavert. Now that was fun!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

CVS 8/9/08 - It's a babies world!

I love Pampers, so jetted over Saturday night for three seperate purchases:

3 Pampers Size 3 - $8.88 (used 3 $2 off coupons)- $20.64
2 CVS Bonus Size Q-tips - 2/$3 (used 2 $2 off CVS Beauty Care coupons) - FREE + 50¢ overage
1 Gallon of milk - $3.29
2 Revlon Eyeshadows (BOGO and used 2 $2 off coupons) - $2.99 for both
2 Johnson's Buddy Bars 97¢ each (used $1 off coupon adjusted) - FREE

Used 3 $2/$10 coupons and $9.99 in ECBs
OOP - $10.43, but for 3 packs of Pampers and Milk that I really needed!